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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 7, 2024

Abeyance storage and crafting

Hey all--

In my Abeyance, I've been building in such a way that instead of having all my crafting benches together in one space, I'm giving them separate buildings to more easily control what Augments are attached to what benches. I've also made a storehouse, of sorts.

It seems that distance plays a part in being able to access the storages while crafting. This is kinduvva pain.

I like that I don't (mostly) have to be running back and forth from storage to crafting bench to get the materials I need, so kudos! However, a distance limiter on storage access to crafting bench is going the wrong way.

It'd be nice if there was a way to set things up so that if storage containers, including those on shelves, if they are built upon a contiguous foundation, i.e. storage unit to crafting bench is connected by an unbroken line of foundation, that the storages would still be automatically accessible at whatever bench you're at.

Lotsa IFs there, but that just opens it up to >THENs or >ELSEs tied to foundation blocks being connected instead of a flat distance bubble.

Loving the world you're all building- Cheers!


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