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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 8, 2024

Please reconsider removing receipes discovery from the world


I am writing this in an attempt to change your view on removing the feature of discovering various building receipes through doing bastions, infestation points, and other places.

I am deeply in love with this game. With 200 hours in, I have enjoyed vast majority of features you have incorporated into your game. But 3 of them are most important for me, the main reason why I play Nightingale.

1) The vast amounts of materials, tools, building pieces, items, gear, simply of everything. And that each ingredient added into crafting changes the final outcome.

2) The realms and uniqueness (if sometimes minimal) of them.

3) The discovery system, that you find various receipes by exploring. The excitement of "uu, what am I going to get from this bastion? I might fail doing it few times, but there is a mystery box at the end, waiting for me, so I should try again, and again."

But from what I have read in today's update, the 3rd reason will be gone from now on, and it will be turned into plain, simple, boring progression system without any excitement to have from it. You will simply buy it for grinded essence. Something every 2nd survival game has, somethingh that has no uniqueness in itself.

This system encourages you to explore theese various realms, encourages you to take on bastions or infestations. You have created these realms so they can be explored, but you are taking away a key factor for that exploration.

Even now that I have almost every available receipe for augements or decorations, I run around realms, doing POIs, just because "Who knows, I might still find something undiscovered." And when I (now rarely) actually do, I yelp out happily.

What is exploration about, if not for the treasure at the end of the road? I do not think the answer is simply "essence", for which you buy whatever you want. Excitement HAS TO be a part of it, not only duty and need for progress.

Atleast add something else to it, please. Give us some variety, rather then the same thing every single time... dyes, various flowers pots, engravings for weapons, background music, whatever... just some kind of variety.

I sincerely hope you will find a different way, because this news took a one-third of my love for this game away.

Please, reconsider...


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  • Guest
    Aug 21, 2024

    I didn't fully read the blog but if they are removing the recipe reward system from the challenges entirely, that does seem like a bit of a mistake. However, I will note that it's not taken me long in any given zone to get all the recipes available and so the challenges just grant bonus essence anyways. So in the short term, it is a hit to the level of excitement over rewards, but eventually you get them all and it doesn't matter. you either find a reason to still do the challenges or you don't.

  • Guest
    Aug 17, 2024

    If anything, I would want -more- of the recipes to be only findable through exploration, rather than through purchasing from traders. The game is focused on exploration, so I would love to see more use of this as a thing. The more recipes we can find the better!

  • Guest
    Aug 11, 2024

    I also feel something similar though i dont dislike the idea of tech trees and character progression the way that it has been put forward. I think that i would be happy with a mixture of these two systems, where we get our tech tree and progression for weapons, clothing, and such but then can explore and find furniture and building schematics. I think this also fits the theme of the game more effectively because the idea being that you see new places and take with you the architecture of that place.