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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 8, 2024

Faerie Portal / Anchor Point

Faerie Portals (now Called Anchor Points?.. I liked Faerie portals better ^_^)

Here are some IOQL requests for faerie portals. They are so pretty, big and clunky (in the best possible way) and unique to Nightingale that I want them to be next tier amazing! To do this, please consider these improvements:

- This should be a teleport. I should be able to teleport to this portal (if I die, when I am in a repeat realm, etc.) Right now, it only works as a.. I dunno, death spot? I can't choose to go to it.. so it is just a bigger Cairne for non-respite realms - it could be so much more!

  • When I am standing on this platform, basking in all it's beautiful sparkly glory - it should pause my health, energy and rest meters. OR - even better, replenish them to full! This would be SO helpful in my gaming. I could use it advantageously on missions, or I could just be the goddess I want to be in the light.

These two suggestions would make this a WAY better bedroll (which kind of sucks in Nightingale too tbh, but this isnt about bedrolls). This would be the "never leave home without it". I don't think it would be OP - most games have a way to travel quickly... games are not meant to take up useless time getting from A to B. They are meant to be challenging in bosses, building/gathering, but making the game just difficult by making you traverse a planet you have already been to 100 times is no fun and I think gaming is beyond that. Let us build everywhere, portal to places we love, and gather faster... building is already pretty rough, without 7 hours later, still having been gathering. Please and Thank you... PLUS it is just so pretty - You could make 1 per realm, that would tone it down! (Conan, has a system of 3 teleports. 1 bed, 1 bedroll, and 1 starter zone... plus like 10 map portals... but this ONE would be grand!! )

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