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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status Open
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 12, 2024

Map Functionality

So, I NEVER use the blue map stamps. This is partly because I am constantly zoomed out so the symbols are indistinct at a glance and partly because they are all the same shade of blue as the normal map markers, or at least close enough that I can't tell the difference without zooming in, really looking, and taking more time that I have care to. So I use the extremely limited 5 World Beacons.

Can we just have the player-placed symbols be gold/yellow/orange/etc. with black/brown/burgundy/blue/etc. symbols on them and circle round them? Whatever color pairing you can come up with that seems to be both striking and visually distinct at a glance without breaking theme? Y'all are real good at theme, just saying.

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