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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 19, 2024

Quick access wheel for weapons / offhands

I think it would a great quality of life, addition if there was a quicker way to swap the tools that you have in your "belt bar". Similarly to how you can swap the spells on a weapon and hold R to bring up a wheel menu with the spells that you have on your weapon. There should be a way to quickly switch the tools that you have in your 5 "primary" slots (actually now that I think of it, it would also be nice to be able to quickly switch offhands as well.) Let me explain the reasoning behind this, as of now, (and it will probably become worse as more weapons are introduced into the game), each "weapon type" has a "primary function" and most of them also have a "secondary" function.

For exemple, while I run around, I might want to cut a few trees and I need an axe for that, but then while I do that, I might end up somewhere with a lot of ores, so I need to pull out my pickaxe to collect ores, but then later on, I get attacked by a monster and I want to carve it for the pelts / meat so now, I need to pull out my knife, and then, not long after that, I end up in some ruins and there is a cracked wall so now I need to go back to my pickaxe. But oh wait there is a jumping puzzle not too far, I will need my climbing picks to help me get on top of that quickly. (There are plenty more exemple like this but you get the point.)

The problem is since you need certain tools to perform certain specific tasks that are "tied" to that tool and that you cannot perform those tasks with any other tools, it creates a situation where you regularly have to go back into your inventory and swap the to the tools that you need for that specific situation. What if I want to use only certain tools for gathering, but don't want to use that tool for fighting ? There is also the situation where as soon as you unlock a ranged weapons, you want to be able to quickly swap to that weapon, but since ranged weapon only have the singular purpose of attacking, you effectively "sacrifice" one of your primary tool slot to have a ranged weapon ready when you need it. Having the option to quickly swap the tool that you have in your primary slots would alleviate the tediousness of always having to bring up your inventory and switch tools around from your inventory to your bar and so on.

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