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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 29, 2024

Foundations and Building on Cliff Sides

Foundation stacks insist on reaching down to the ground. This means if you are trying to build a base on the side of a butte (to avoid mobs tearing down your base, and for a scenic view), it can take a stack of 5 or 6 foundation blocks to support a single segment of floor. It also leaves that piece of the estate vulnerable to mobs attacking the bottom of the stack, and collapsing everything above it.

I'd like to see two new foundation pieces:

  • A "braced foundation block" - a triangular piece that behaves like a foundation, but attaches to the side of a foundation rather than on top.

  • A "corner foundation block", to fit between two of the above braced foundation blocks

The idea is to use a regular foundation block, 4 braced blocks, and 4 corner blocks to have a 3x3 building surface supported with a single foundation square touching the ground. This would make high porches and overhanging buildings much more feasible, and allow for some dramatic designs. It also would help in building in places wandering mobs can't reach.

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