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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status Open
Created by Guest
Created on May 25, 2024

Passive Route/ End Game Apex Material Conflict

This is a feature request to resolve a somewhat "passive path" conflict the game has placed on players who go this route (the offering). In the early to mid-game we are met with certain creatures that are seemingly passive and our interaction with them is non threatening due to the fact we choose to go passive routes as players (exchanging gifts and basically befriending them). But the end game requires we then turn around and kill those same creatures we chose to have a peaceful exchange with (unpleasant/triggering to say the least). The main problem are the materials sourced from the creatures in the end are extremely valuable for creating the "best" clothing and weapons in the game, placing the passive player who doesn't want to kill those creatures at a very large disadvantage. If there were alternative creatures providing similar materials (creatures that were aggressive/predators from the start) OR a way to purchase their materials from a Trader to simply "not" have to kill them (Carnutes and SunGiant mats for example), this would at least give the passive player an option to play at a competitive level with those who chose the aggressive path. I know this has created a conflict and discouraged people I've played with up to The Watch. They no longer feel the desire to play or compete. I love the game and hope there will be some solution for the passive player path as I'd hate to quit due to unfair disadvantages given to the aggressive path. I just don't see a way around it unless I use lower level mats to craft and that isn't very fun. Thanks for any help regarding this. It's a beautiful game and I'm really hopeful it can be resolved because I've seen the Devs listen! Thank you!

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  • Guest
    May 30, 2024

    My understanding is that you can continue to craft offerings and track down those creatures to get their high tier materials. At higher levels it becomes a bit of a waste of time to do that since you can just go to The Watch and enter the vaults to steamroll them for their materials. I'm not 100% on the storyline for the vaults but maybe the solution is a storyline that paints the vaults as a training grounds of sorts that has you fight those creatures you befriended in consented combat. Either way if you steer clear of the vaults then you can continue to acquire high tier materials through offerings. I have also not confirmed whether you can make offerings in the vaults. I've only ever attacked them.