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Created by Guest
Created on May 25, 2024

v0.3 Post Update Feedback - Nightingale Materials Catalogue

Greetings Devpeoples,

Here is a list of all issues and inconsistencies found whilst updating the Nightingale Materials Catalogue to account for the v0.3 changes.
This list accounts for as much as could be found through all the various categories, and some bugs experienced by the community at large from v0.3 have been wrapped into this as well.


  • Casting Oberon’s Bounty (and other offensive enchantments) causes the character to continually and automatically make melee attacks unless the player actively interrupts it. This occurs with several enchantments, and with several hand weapons.

  • Main-hand critical multiplier applies to off-hand weapons (such as grenades and throwing knives) when a Charm of Ferocity is equipped. This allows for immensely high damage outputs for these weapons (grenades hitting for 1,700,000+ damage, and throwing knife for 4,600,000+ damage, for instance).


  • Raw Mushrooms (All Types) – Still does not list Attribute Bonuses in addition to normal Attributes, resulting in hidden attributes until used in crafting. All other foods with stats list these two separate categories. Please update.

  • Lunar Nectar – Lists Magick Power 5 twice.


  • Platinum - All platinum nodes in Forest caves give Pursuit ore, instead of platinum, upon breaking. The ore still looks like platinum visually, but no longer yields it.


  • Predator / Prey T1 – There exists a duplicate item for both T1 Predator / Prey hides, simply called (Hide) Tier 1 Predator & (Hide) Tier 1 Prey.
    This is in addition to there being a (Hide) T1 Predator/Prey Pelt/Skin, which all exist and are named correctly.
    The stats on all these items are appropriate, but the duplicates should be removed.

  • Carnute Tier 2 – Spelling mistake in name = TIer 2. Occurs on hide/meat/bone.


  • Schist – Incorrectly Lists Blocking 0.0% again.


  • Elder Eoten Heart – Still has 2x hearts, same name but different stats, not marked as different tiers.

    • 30 hp regen/m | 3 stam regen/s | Injury Res 15%

    • 25 hp regen/m | 2.5 stam regen/s | Injury Res 12.5%


  • Shotgun Buckshot - Crafting buckshot shotgun shells using different materials makes it so the batches cannot stack in inventory. This is like how all the old ammunition crafting worked prior to changes to allow the stacking to occur, and stands out as the only ammunition type to not be able to stack with itself, regardless of material used to craft. (4 images attached, 3 of the different shell stacks and one with them all in inventory. One stack crafted with Lacunus, one with tin, and one with another random ore, none stack).


  • Bound Ichor – Existing Bound Ichor has no tier, and appears to be in addition to the new Tier’d Bound Ichor. Also, the Legacy Ichor has different stats.

  • Bound Fibre – Same as Ichor, existing Bound Fibre has no tier, and seems to be in addition.

  • Lacunus – Same as the above.

  • Bombardier – As above.

  • Hollow Metal – As above.

  • Let’s just say all the bound things have this issue, except for Arcane Wick and Advanced Arcane Wick. This also occurs with the new tier'd Apex creature materials.
    Should you be curious exactly which materials have this issue, I've listed every material with this in the Materials Catalogue with (Legacy) in the name, to denote the difference between old and new.

  • A Blade can drop from a Bound Knight that has 55% Melee Damage, saying it consists of both a normal Lacunus -and- an Advanced Lacunus ore. However, crafting a blade only allows you to use a single ingot type, so why does this effectively stack double the modifiers? This should be changed for consistency.

  • The new Bound Variant creatures (Caprine and Sunderer) do not show up on the realms Potential Creatures list in portals / map menu. This should be clarified, because these are effectively the only creatures to -not- show up on this menu.

  • The new Bound Sniper has naming inconsistencies. In game (via spyglass), they are named Bound Marksman, but in the Potential Creatures list in portals / map menu, they are listed as Bound Sniper. This requires correction for consistency and remove potential confusion.

  • Bound Knights are still dropping non-tier'd Advanced Lacunus ingots, despite the fact they should only be dropping tier'd materials at this point. It isn't every single time, but it's very regular.


  • Prodigious Frosted Potion – STILL lists Titania’s Crown as a material. Please address this soon.

  • Great Strengthening Potion – Requires T3 Wood, no T3 Wood is accepted as usable.

  • Moderate Strengthening Potion – This has apparently completely vanished from the game, crafting wise. It shows up on no recipe, no augment, no trader, and not even in the guidebook. Any existing potions remain available to be used, however.

  • Great Purifying Potion – Gear crafted using Titan’s Fingernail shows up as being able to be used in crafting this potion.

  • Great Veiled Potion – Requires Fabled Waywolf materials, no Fabled Waywolf materials (of any tier) are accepted as usable. In addition, the requirement is misspelt.


  • Climbing Picks – These still vanish when climbing.

  • Dauntless Axe Pick – Still lists requiring two different Pick Heads, instead of 1 Pick Head and 1 Axe Head, as you would expect from an AXEpick. 😊


  • Sentinel’s Gloves – Lists Injury Resistance 5% twice.


  • Charm of 100 Blows – Cannot be crafted, lists no workbench and accepts no materials.

  • Charm of Invigoration – Cannot be crafted, as above.

  • Charm of the Juggler – Cannot be crafted, as above.

  • Charm of the Wanderer – Cannot be crafted, as above.

  • Charm of Defence - Still lists old terminology/effects: "..increases the wearer's blocking efficiency.."
    This should be listed as Injury Resistance, not blocking efficiency.

  • Charm of Dietary Defense – Lists Tier 3 in the Crafting Guide/etc. Is the only charm to list as having a tier.

  • You have two clashing spellings: Charm of Defence, and Charm of Dietary Defense. Please pick one spelling 😊


  • Track Legend - The pathing of the wisp has become problematic. It now randomly scales objects, such as going halfway up a tree before jumping off it, going up walls, etc. (Attached is an screenshot of an instance of this where it wants to climb up a wall and go over instead of along the ground in a clear path).

Portal/Realm Cards:

  • Portal Realm screens have the “active card” listed as the card for you’re currently in, not for the realm you’re loading.

  • Realm screens list the active Minor Card multiple times.

  • Effects on multiple cards when active do not match the cards description when being placed into the transmuter.

Major Cards:

  • Provisioner - Realm bonus named Provisionist is granted to all cooking stations in the realm. It lists it only provides a cooking time reduction, but it -also- provides the following buffs to food: Fed Time ++, Max HP +, Max Stam +. This was listed openly pre v0.3, but since 0.3, this text has been removed from the buff, though it still gives the benefits.

  • Hunt - Desert hunt realm bonus of +100% resources does not apply to the Apex Sun Giant's drops, despite this essentially identical bonus working with this creature when using the Hunter minor card.

  • Hunt - Desert hunt realm bonus of +100% resources does not apply to any of the Automatons drops, despite this essentially identical bonus working with these creatures when using the Hunter minor card.

  • Hunt - Swamp hunt realm bonus of +100% resources does not apply to the drops from Grendel Brute and Grendel Druid, despite this essentially identical bonus working with these creatures when using the Hunter minor card.

  • Hunt - Forest hunt realm bonus of +100% resources does not apply to the drops from Elder Eoten, despite this essentially identical bonus working with this creature when using the Hunter minor card.

This seems quite interesting. As the Realm card buff is +100% Animal Resource Yield, it seems to exclude certain creatures one could say are -not- animal, but then some that could also be classified as animals, such as the Grendel's and Sun Giant, are also not affected.
For consistency, I would recommend altering the text on the card to be +100% creature yield, and treat it similar to the Hunter card. That way there's less picky behaviour and it'll also be extremely clear as to what it does and does not affect. Should not wishing it to affect the Bound, you can add that exclusion specifically, such as:
" +100% Creature Resource Yield (but not Bound)"

Minor Cards:

  • Amphibious – Still lists old terminology/effects: Modest Disease Resistance Increase. Should be listed as Environmental Resistance increase.
    Additionally, Realm's Fellow -should- show what it means in the card menu. Simply listing this vague term does nothing for new players.

  • Bulwark’s Workshop - The card no longer lists that it grants crafted Tools the effect Durability +++, Injury Resist ++, Weight ++, Stamina Cost ++, however in testing, it does still provide these buffs and debuffs. Please add this back to the cards text.

  • Combatant’s Workshop - The card no longer lists that it grants crafted Tools the effect of Melee Damage ++, however in testing, it does still provide this buff. Please add this back to the cards text.

  • Explorer – Still lists old terminology/effects: Slight Heat Resistance Increase, Slight Cold Resistance Increase. Should be listed as Environmental Resistance increase.

  • Farm - The card no longer lists that it grants an Increase Growth Time of 75%, up to a maximum of 75%, however in testing, it does still provide this buff. Please add this back to the cards text.

  • Forge - The card no longer lists that it grants crafted Tools the effect of Injury Resistance +, Critical Damage +, Ranged Damage +, Melee Damage +, and Speed +, however in testing, it does still provide these buffs. Please add this back to the cards text.
    Also, this cards text implies it impairs other material crafts except for ore crafting, but it does not. This should be clarified for consistency and ease of understanding.

  • Fortitude – The card no longer lists that it grants crafted Tools & Clothing the effect of Durability ++, however in testing, it does still provide these buffs. Please add this back to the cards text.
    Also, it does not clearly state what the Refinement Time decrease is in relation to. What material, craft process, etc?

  • Greenhouse - The card no longer lists that it grants crafted Clothing the effect of Environmental Resist +, Stealth +, however in testing, it does still provide these buffs. Please add this back to the cards text.

  • Harvester’s Workshop – This card no longer lists that it grants crafted Tools Stamina Cost --, Weight --, Melee damage -, however in testing, it does still provide these buffs and debuff. Please add this back to the cards text.
    In addition, this card says it increases yield, but it does not. This should be clarified because it -does- actively cause confusion.

  • Lumber Mill - The card no longer lists that it grants crafted Tools the effect of Blocking Efficiency +, Critical Damage +, Ranged Damage +, Melee Damage +, and Speed +, however in testing, it does still provide these buffs. Please add this back to the cards text.
    Additionally, this card still lists old terminology/effects: Blocking Efficiency +.
    Also, this cards text implies it impairs other material crafts except for wood crafting, but it does not. This should be clarified for consistency and ease of understanding.

  • Might – Still lists old terminology/effects: Modest Strength Increase, Slight Carrying Capacity Increase.

  • Quarry - The card no longer lists that it grants crafted Tools the effect of Blocking Efficiency +, Critical Damage +, Ranged Damage +, Melee Damage +, and Speed +, however in testing, it does still provide these buffs. Please add this back to the cards text.
    Additionally, this card still lists old terminology/effects: Blocking Efficiency +.
    Also, this cards text implies it impairs other material crafts except for stone crafting, but it does not. This should be clarified for consistency and ease of understanding.

  • Settler Apogean – The card no longer lists that it grants an Increase Growth Time of 75%, up to a maximum of 75%, however in testing, it does still provide this buff. Please add this back to the cards text.
    In addition, it still lists old terminology/effects: Modest Carrying Capacity Increase.

  • Thinned Veil Card – Still lists old terminology/effects: Modest Stamina Efficiency Increase.

  • Trickster Card – Still lists old terminology/effects: Moderate Strength Increase.

  • Utopia Apogean – Still doesn’t list any actual effects beyond a vague “invisible to enemies”.

  • Weighted Card – Still lists old terminology/effects: Slight Stamina Efficiency Decrease.

  • Weighted Eminent Card – Still lists old terminology/effects: Modest Stamina Efficiency Decrease.

As always, thank you Devpeoples for the continued growth and progress of this wonderful game.

Kind Regards,


    Jun 3, 2024

    Thanks for the feedback! For future, please break down bugs and feedback into their own category posts as per the posting guidelines.

  • Attach files