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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status In Live Game
Created by Guest
Created on May 25, 2024

Not Enough Bastille of Mights

I've already completed the only bastille of might that I can find and now I need to complete one for a quest. There's no info online about if there are more that one per player, or if I can reset the one I have already done. Please advise.

    Jun 6, 2024

    Hey there! We added more locations for the Bastille of Might in 0.3.1, let us know if this feels better! - Steph

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There are not enough Bastilles of Might

Bastilles of Might are required for Taliesin's quest, but their chance to populate any given realm is too low. I've gone through all Astrolabe, Provisioner and Herbarium realms and haven't encountered any. Sites of Power count towards the quest, b...
Guest 4 months ago in Legacy Nightingale Feedback 2 In Live Game