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Created by Guest
Created on May 26, 2024

Soft Cap working as intended?

Hi, I'm not sure if this is a bug or working as intended, so I've put it as feedback.

I've only got info for Magick Power, because I can't afford the materials to test with other stats.

It was explained in the video that materials over the soft cap would have their effect halved.

What appears to be happening, is that the materials effect is halved, but also not multiplied by quality. On a 'rare' item, the 3.6 multiplier is not applying to materials over the soft cap, so that adding materials over the cap not only reduces their effectiveness by half, but also doesn't apply the multiplier to those materials over the cap, making any materials over the cap equivalent to a 'common' item halved.

For example, an item upgraded to rare with magick power of 450 (125 from materials) is not breeching the cap. An item with magick power of 468 (130) is, and getting instability of -15.429, with a final result of 452.571. The effect of this is that any materials over 125 are having their effect divided by 3.6, and then also halved.

Maybe this is intentional, but if so, the penalty (not just 1/2, but also no quality multiplier) is huge, and may as well be a hard cap instead of a soft one.

Further to my other post, because the effect of the quality multiplier isn't displayed when crafting an item, there is no way of knowing without wasting materials, what the soft and hard caps are (except with move speed because its low enough cap to see on a pre-upgrade item). Because the penalty (at least for Magick, but possibly for other stats) is so large, its even more of a waste of materials - if it were just halved effect, it wouldn't be such a problem.

Thanks for your work, I do like the cap idea (though it'd be nice to have some kind of carrot as well as a stick), but I'm wondering if its bugged?

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