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Created by Guest
Created on May 27, 2024

Weapons of the Realms - Revamp & Design - Community Theorycraft Project

Greetings Devpeoples,

This post is part of the Community Theorycraft Project. Something where multiple members of the community gather together, and discuss existing and potential new additions to the different elements of this wonderful game. Things we'd like to see, we'd like to change, and ways to go about doing so.

This particular post is in regards to Weapons within the realms. It includes adding special attacks to existing weapons, new weapons of all types (1 hand, 2 hand, melee, and ranged), key bind changes, new refined items, and some imagery we used as inspiration (that are not for reuse or alteration, all rights to these images remain with their creators and respective sources).

As always, thank you for your time and consideration, and for your continued work and development upon this wonderful game.

Key Rebind Defaults:

Left Mouse Button – Main Weapon Normal Attack

Right Mouse Button – Main Weapon Block / Offhand Weapon Primary Attack/Activation

Middle Mouse Button – Main Weapon Special Attack

Remove the existing key binding for ‘Middle Mouse Scroll’ used for cycling weapons, leave it empty, and simply allow players to rebind it themselves as they desire.

All 2 Handed Melee Weapons gain the Blocking ability as default, tied to Right Mouse Button key bind. Note that this does not -remove- anything from these weapons, it adds the ability to Block to them in addition to whatever else they are able to do.

All 1 Handed Main Hand Weapons can -no longer- block innately. Instead, players now rely upon the new Shield weapon (below) to gain the blocking ability, or the Main Hand Weapons own special attack, such as a Hunting Daggers Parry ability.

Alternate Attacks & Changes for Existing Weapons:
  • Mauls – Ground Slam, a big overhead swing to deal AoE damage on impact.

  • Mauls – As part of the Charm theorycraft, we request that Mauls be allowed to score critical hits, and do so as well here.

  • Wood Axes – Rapid strikes alternating sides of the target.

  • Climbing Picks – Change from dual strike to Grappling Pick, throwing a Pick attached to a rope and pulling yourself to the location. Can deal damage on impact.

  • Mining Picks – A low hooking strike that has a high chance to knock the target prone, but does lower damage.

  • Axepicks – Pick-attack is now bound to middle mouse button.

  • Lanterns – Attacks using this offhand weapon now sets creatures on fire when hit by it.

  • All Guns – Aim Down Sights is now bound to right mouse button.

  • Rifles – Attacking with the Stock is now bound to middle mouse button.

  • Pistols – Special pistol attacks are now bound to middle mouse button.

  • Shotguns – Main Weapon Attack is now a small Area of Effect spread, dealing lower damage, but to multiple targets at close range.

  • Shotguns (excluding Blunderbuss) – Special Attack is now Solid Slug, bound to middle mouse button. Deals higher damage at longer range, but to a single target.

New Refined Items:

Martial Blade

1x Blade + 1x Alloy Ingot


1x Barrel + 1x Lens

New Weapons:


Two Handed Melee Weapon, Slashing Damage, Slow Attack Speed
Primary Attack: Slash | Secondary Attack: Whirlwind Strike (or some variety of AoE slash)
Rugged & Dauntless have Glaive appearance, Ornate and Mystic have Halberd appearance.

Simple: 2x Ingot + 2x Wood Bundle
Refined: 2x Blade + 2x Lumber
Ornate: 1x Axe Head + 1x Blade + 2x Pole
Mystic: 1x Artisanal Axe Head + 1x Gilded Blade + 2x Pole + 2x Wrap
Rugged: 2x Axe Head + 2x Pole + 1x Counterbalance
Dauntless: 2x Martial Axe Head + 2x Pole + 2x Grip + 1x Counterbalance

Hand Axe

One Handed Melee Weapon, Slashing Damage, Medium Attack Speed
Primary Attack: Slash | Secondary Attack: Throw (single target)

Simple: 1x Ingot, 1x Wood Bundle
Refined: 1x Blade, 1x Lumber
Rugged: 1x Axe Head, 1x Pole, 1x Wrap
Dauntless: 1x Martial Axe Head, 1x Pole, 1x Grip, 1x Counterbalance
Ornate: 1x Axe Head, 1x Pole, 1x Cut Gem
Mystic: 1x Artisanal Axe Head, 1x Pole, 1x Wrap, 1x Gem Bauble

Short Sword

One Handed Melee Weapon, Slashing / Piercing Damage, Medium Attack Speed
Primary Attack: Slash | Secondary Attack: Stab

Simple: 1x Ingot + 1x Wood Bundle
Refined: 1x Blade + 1x Lumber
Excellent: 1x Martial Blade + 1x Guard + 1x Hilt
Prodigious: 1x Martial Blade + 1x Guard + 1x Handle + 1x Wrap


One Handed Melee Weapon, Piercing Damage, Fast Attack Speed
Primary Attack: Stab | Secondary Attack: Parry

Ornate: 2x Blade + 1x Guard + 1x Hilt, 1x Rough Bauble
Mystic: 2x Gilded Blade + 1x Guard + 1x Handle + 1x Gem Bauble


One Handed Melee Weapon, Slashing Damage, Slow Attack Speed
Primary Attack: Slash | Secondary Attack: Cleave

Rugged: 2x Blade + 1x Hilt + 1x Wrap, 1x Counterbalance
Dauntless: 2x Martial Blade + 1x Guard + 1x Grip + 1x Counterbalance


Two Handed Melee, Slashing Damage, Fast Attack Speed
Primary Attack: Slash | Secondary Attack: Combination Strikes
Does not fall into “Dauntless” category etc, but is on par with them for damage

3x Martial Blade + 1x Guard + 2x Grip + 1x Counterbalance


One Handed, High Magick, Magick Damage.
Primary Attack: Magickal Bolt | Secondary Attack: Magickal Parry

Crude – 1x Sticks + 1x Flower
Simple – 1x Wood Bundle + 1x Raw gem
Refined – 1x Lumber + 1x Cut Gem
Ornate – 1x Pole + 1x Gem Bauble + 1x Straps
Mystic – 1x Pole + 1x Focal Shard + 1x Grip


Two Handed, High Magick, Magick Damage.
Primary Attack: Magickal Blast (Small AoE, bigger at higher tiers) | Secondary Attack: Channel – Increases AoE damage from Magickal Blast

Ornate – 2x Gem Bauble + 2x Pole + 2x Straps + 1x Ornament
Mystic – 2x Focal Shard + 2x Filigree + 2x Pole + 1x Grip

Re Wands & Staffs Damage Types:
As part of a previous CTP feedback, 230 GS Resource Revamp (, we proposed the idea of certain gems benefiting certain damage types. To continue from this, the damage dealt by the Wand and Staff could be classified as generic “Magick” damage, unless one of these gems is used, which will then change the damage type to the one supplied by the Gem.
So a Diamond would change the damage type of the attacks to Ice, for instance.
This allows further depth and customisation possible, whilst people can still simply use general Magick boosting gems or non-specific ones to still deal damage.


Offhand Melee, Blunt Damage
Primary Attack: Block | Special: When Dashing, peforms a Shield Bash, staggering enemies hit.
Has high inbuilt Injury Resistance

Simple - Buckler - 1x Wood Bundle + 1x Hide
Refined - Kite Shield - 2x Lumber + 2x Straps
Excellent - Tower Shield - 2x Metal Plate + 1x Handle + 2x Straps
Prodigious - Aegis Shield - 2x Metal Plates + 2x Gilded Blades + 2x Handles + 2x Grips

Note: Aegis Shield is a 2-hand shield (think Aegis Bound Style) whose primary attack is a melee Slam attack, with block being bound as Right Mouse, like other 2-hand weapons. Also has higher melee damage to be viable as an actual weapon.

Ranged Weapons:

Excellent Slingbow
Two Handed Ranged, Marble Ammunition
Pros: Larger ammunition capacity, quicker firing time
Cons: Longer Full Reload Time, Burst fire marbles have smaller AoE

Primary Attack: Fires single Marble | Secondary Attack: Fires a Burst of Marbles (Movement speed reduced whilst firing)

Notes: Begin concept merging to make them a hybrid of Crossbow marble fire and the Chinese Chu Ko Nu repeating crossbow, the Prodigious version is the finished product of the Chu Ko Nu design. (Imagine included for rough idea of concept only, imagine is not for use)

Prodigious Slingbow

Two Handed Ranged, Marble Ammunition
Pros: very large ammunition capacity, quicker firing time
Cons: Very Long Full Reload Time, Full Auto Fire marbles have much smaller AoE

Primary Attack: Fires single Marble | Secondary Attack: Full Automatic Fire (Movement speed heavily reduced whilst firing)

Ornate Grenade Launcher

Two Handed Ranged, Grenades
Singular reload weapon. Becomes available around the time Excellent grenades do, does not have tiers. Increases distance the grenades reach before detonation.

Primary Attack: Launches Grenade | Special Attack: Melee Strike (swings like a baseball bat), that could also hit incoming projectiles (like Bombardier Grenades) away from you.

Notes: See image below for concept reference. This weapon ties in to having the grenades in game being a single use consumable instead of satchel that relies on durability, which we suggested as part of a previous Community Theorycraft Project post, 230 GS Revamp - Community Theorycraft Project, which we linked above as part of the notes following the Staff weapon.

Fencing Rifle

Two Handed Ranged, .443 Rifle Ammunition
Single Shot, Cartridge Round loading, 5 round capacity. Ring-mounted fixed bayonet.

Primary Attack: Shoot | Special Attack: Bayonet Stab (replaces stock strike)
Components: 1x Barrel + 1x Blade + 1x Refined Action + 1x Stock

Note: Sits somewhere between the Chassepot and Lee Metford tier wise. Reload time should incentivise using the bayonet over reloading for general combat situations, but not be too debilitating to make using the gun unlikely. See image below for concept reference (not for use)

Scoped Rifle

Two Handed Ranged, .443 Rifle Ammunition
Single shot, bolt action rifle. High single shot damage, very long range, requires reloading after each shot

Primary Attack: Shoot | Special Attack: Scope (Replaces ADS)
Components: 1x Marksman’s Barrel + 1x Refined Action + 1x Stock + 1x Scope

Note: Scope does not provide creature name tags (it is not a spyglass replacement). See image below for concept reference (not for use)

Image Notes:

These images are simply for reference of broad scope design possibilities. All rights remain with their creators and sources.

Contributors: Iceheart, Kahz, Kaxorian, Kitari, Phylon, Shrike

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jul 13, 2024

    I already posted this to another entry about adding swords then found this one:
    Lets take this a notch further, when adding swords, how about adding gunblade as variants too, and no I am not talking about the large unwieldy ones from a certain other long running game series, but something more akin to what was actually designed in reality around the 16th century, maybe earlier, see attached pictures for just some examples, there are many more types and designs out there.

    We already have firearms with different fire modes, this would be no different, left click would do slashes right click would cause you to fire at the enemy.

  • Guest
    Jun 28, 2024

    I was about to make my own post specifically about the new Grappling Hook Climbing Pick ability as I had an idea, but I'll just add it here since Grappling Hook is mentioned in the main post (and it looks like they listened based off this feedback, very cool!)

    Idea: With the new grappling hook on climbing picks, it would be cool if you could target enemies with this ability and 1) pull a small target slightly and knock them down and 2) pull yourself towards a large target and land a kick when reaching them for a stagger.

    As for the main post, love ALL of these ideas, especially the new weapons and I would love it if we got poleaxes/halberds as a type, as they are often underrepresented in video games. Hopefully the devs take notes from this post (and it seems like they already have :D)

  • Guest
    Jun 15, 2024

    I like the fencing rifle. It's kinda like the axepick. Not awesome at either, but decent at both.

  • Guest
    Jun 13, 2024

    I love these ideas! I'm new to the game, so I wasn't sure what already existed or was planned, and thought maybe I was missing something.
    I would like to see some sort of magickal focus for us to use that gives us more mage-like abilities for spell flinging right back at those nasty Bound.
    I would like to see more AoE options. Currently I think the grenade is the only one I have.

    There are other fun things I feel we could do with the umbrella. Borrowing from some of the Wuxia-style martial arts movies, the umbrella could be used more actively to deflect ranged attacks. Perhaps an umbrella that could have a sword or a rifle stashed in it. For that, I'm drawing on the idea of the sword cane, and also Patrick MacNee's character Steed in the British TV series The Avengers (no relation to Captain America and friends).

  • Guest
    May 27, 2024

    As a player whom generally dislikes melee, I use the Axepick for materials gathering only and as such I dislike the proposal that it have it's action assignments changed.

    I don't object to the Axepick gaining block, but please make it the middle mouse button action and leave the two main actions as they are - LMB for axe & RMB for pick. The axepick is a utility tool and as such I don't see the need for to alter it just to make it like the other two handed tools, if the devs were worried about that it would be like that already.

    Other that that wrinkle, fantastic work from the guys. Thanks for the effort put in to improving (most) aspects of the game.