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Created by Guest
Created on May 27, 2024

New Offhand Tools and Stat - 'Appearance'

Hi, I'd really like to see any/all of the following, in keeping with the game's aesthetic and setting:

New Offhand Tools;

Magnifying Glass - when looked through, it reveals insight runes and puzzle cores (within a range), or possibly just their direction, similar to how the sound effect clue works.

Hand Fan - can be used in the desert to combat heat, and also to prevent fainting when shocked or scandalised.

Hand Mirror - can be used to edit appearance, and also possibly to reflect light into an enemy's eyes, causing confusion, and damage to the bound.

Throwing Ball - for when pets are added, and it can also distract the Hexham Mongrel when thrown.

Comb, Scissors, Sewing Needle, Brush, Shoe Polish, Makeup Brushes, Hair Pins, Soap, Perfume, etc - for keeping up appearances

New Main Hand/Offhand Tool:

Notebook and Quill - for communicating with other players. Missives can be written and sent to one another, or left pinned to a map location.

Appearance Stat:

The fae notoriously care greatly about appearance and glamour. Over time, through travelling and adventuring, with work and toil, and combat, your appearance stat would degrade (like rest and hunger). Once it reaches a critical stage, the fae will no longer talk to you, and wisps will flee from you. You will not be allowed entry to the Watch or anywhere else with polite company. If your appearance is low enough, certain NPCs of particular factions will not talk to you.

Appearance can be kept up by some of the aforementioned items. Some carried items like the Hand Fan would add a buff that slows degradation, and also the same for some clothing like dresses and formal shirts. There could be a Glamour enchantment that does similar.

Thanks for your consideration.

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  • Guest
    May 27, 2024

    Additionally, I'd like to see NPCs make disparaging comments if you're too unkempt - except the Druids and Explorers, who would do the opposite, calling you vain or preening if you're too well kept.

    To not penalize scruffy aesthetics, the Fae should care about appearance insofar as it fits an archetype - so you can be scruffy or a rough-hewn wanderer, and so long as you pull it off (like having matching gear sets like the trapper's, and also a low appearance value), they will still interact with you. You should still be barred from polite company however.