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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on May 27, 2024
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit FEEDBACK-I-93 EVENT REWARDS: Please let us access them across all characters.

Save special unlocks to account Merged

Please apply special unlocks to player accounts rather than characters. Things like the Aristocratic clothing, the new Hopeful Essence unlocks etc have to be unlocked per character, meaning that any new characters made after the events that unlock them will not have the benefit.

On its own that wouldn't be a "bad" thing, but since the game opened as early release updates have included item unlocks as part of progression that were not available previously, and the characters that have the special unlocks might not be able to get those other unlocks. Frontiersman clothing is an example, since it can't be purchased after the quest line unlocks it. Even if the maximum number of character slots were increased that would still pose the problem of future updates adding in more stuff and needing different characters to get them all.

Because of changes to unlocks I need to delete two of my 4 characters to open their slots in case further changes also add unlocks, and also because restarting from scratch is important to testing as new updates add new features. Adding extra character slots would help with that issue, but only to a point.

If possible, I would suggest linking special recipe unlocks to accounts that unlocked them on at least one character, rather than keeping it strictly to that single character, but doing so after their events end. Additionally, recipes unlocked through the quests should all be purchaseable on a trader shortly after having unlocked them so that older characters can stay current with unlocks.

    Jun 4, 2024

    Hey there! I'm merging this into a similar earlier post to avoid vote splitting. If you think this was done in error please let us know - Steph

  • Guest
    May 28, 2024

    Community manager Scarbs has stated in the Steam forums that all event rewards will continue to be available after the events end, so totally missing them seems unlikely at this point.

    Separately, the Frontiersman set is unlocked on my main, who was finished with effectively all unlocks before 0.3 came out. You do have to ensure that you have appropriate augments in order to craft it but the recipe was there without doing anything new.