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Created by Guest
Created on May 24, 2024

(Offline mode) Bass Reeves Quest Bug - Find the Lawman

Quest "Find the Lawman" got doubled in the Journal. Then, after completing Bass Reeves' quests (I had to give him the "lie" answer), one quest completed, but the second one did not. Meaning, I cannot turn it in to W. Sasse.

    Jul 2, 2024

    Hi everyone!

    Our development team was able to get a fix for Bass Reeves' quests appearing incorrectly in the guidebook in the last couple patches. With no new reports coming in we’re going to be closing this post as ‘patched’.

    If you’re still running into this issue or something similar, please make a new post and start upvoting it. Upvoting is the best way to ensure visibility on issues and support us in creating a more polished game experience for you and the Nightingale community

    Thank you to everyone who was able to provide us with information helping to resolve this.

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  • Guest
    Jun 7, 2024
    +1 Literally the same now I have it twice in my logbook very frustrating. Probably should wait a couple updates before doing offline playthrough
  • Guest
    Jun 3, 2024

    +1 Can't continue with the main story from here.

  • Guest
    Jun 2, 2024

    Bass Reeves's quest stops at the question of thanking me and potential reward.

  • Guest
    Jun 2, 2024

    I only get as far as him thanking me and wants to reward me then it stops working just logs off him

  • Guest
    Jun 2, 2024
    Same here, at first I just spoke to him and admitted I was sent by Wilhelmina Sasse, at which point he talked about giving me a reward and never did. Later, I came back to him and lied, and he gave me quests to make ranged weapons and then to make head/heart shots, which did eventually complete one of the two quests, but now I can't go back to Wilhelmina and complete the other.
  • Guest
    Jun 2, 2024

    Same. Its in the journal twice and he stops after saying he wishes to reward. I got the saddle horn reward but that's it and no change after building one.

  • Guest
    Jun 1, 2024

    I can get pst doing target practice as long as i do not use the part where you say someone told you about a law man as soon as i chose that option dialog closes and that is just repeated. also every time i talk to bass after the first time it goes thru the same comments about just resting.

  • Guest
    Jun 1, 2024

    +1 adding to the pile. Experiencing this as well

  • Guest
    May 31, 2024

    same here. its in the journal twice and he stops after saying he wishes to reward :/

  • Guest
    May 30, 2024

    Same issue here. Can't complete "Find the Lawman" quest. Stuck on "Talk to the Lawman". Finished all his challenges. Acts like he just met me.

  • Guest
    May 30, 2024

    Same issue, it's in my journal twice and I don't get the option to finish the quest. Everytime I talk with him it's like we have never talked before.

  • Guest
    May 30, 2024

    Same.... talked to Bass, told the truth in the first question, but after clicking 'next', nothing ..... I talk to him again and it just won't progress.

  • Guest
    May 29, 2024

    Yup, same....unable to progress with Bass

  • Guest
    May 28, 2024

    I have the same problem and moreover I cannot help the NPCs in the area to create their camps. After a while the items no longer want to be added.

  • Guest
    May 28, 2024

    Same problem even after resetting world

  • Admin
    NWX QA
    May 27, 2024

    Hey there,

    The development team has been made aware of this issue! Updating the title to include the NPC to make it easier for other players to search and Upvote.

    Thank you

  • Guest
    May 27, 2024

    Don't let me thru portal its loads than stays in same location

  • Guest
    May 25, 2024

    I have the same problem.

    The first time I couldn't address the NPC.

    So I reset the world.

    Then I was able to talk to him and get the follow-up quest from him.

    So I got the weapon.

    Make 3 head and 3 heart hits.

    The last question I told the truth, that the reporter had approached me.

    Back in my world, I approached the reporter to hand in the quest.

    But it doesn't work.

    Instead, I received the quest twice again.

    But as I have finished the quest with the B.R., I can no longer speak to him.

    So I can't finish the quest.

  • Guest
    May 25, 2024

    Same, quest line bugged.

  • Guest
    May 25, 2024

    This is happening to me as well.

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