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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 3, 2024

Recruitable NPCs Janky Behavior and Non-functional Command Wheel

The new command wheel for recruitable NPCs has no effect.

e.g when I choose "work here" they just stand there and stare at me.

When they do randomly decide to work it is very janky. They will cut logs, not pick them up, move to a different tree before finishing the first one, run up to me and then back again several times, run to me if i move even a little bit away from them, etc. seems like the maximum radius i can be from them for them to work is very small too.

over all the behavior for recruitable npcs needs major cleanup. like if i tell them to get to work, they actual chop trees/mine rocks, collect them, put in storage, and have a much larger radius to work in as well as stop following me every 2 seconds.

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Survivor's with ranged weapons blowing up my walls and setting themselves on fire

The recruitable NPCs feel a little dumb from time to time. If they have Refueling turned on they very often set themselves on fire until they hit low health or even downing themselves in my estate. While this isn't really damaging in any way it ca...
Guest 3 months ago in Legacy Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Survivor Standing in Fire

Please make the survivors so they are not so stupid as to stand in my open campfires. They literally do it all the time and it's very annoying. They should not be so careless to just stand there and burn to death.
Guest 3 months ago in Legacy Nightingale Feedback 0 Open