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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status In Live Game
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 23, 2024
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit BUG-I-604 Chat toggle button becomes invisible and can lead to the perception the game is hung..

Character Lock Merged

When pressing T, you lose control of all inputs. Even menu can't be opened. You can see your curser and have to Alt+F4 the game and restart to fix it.

    Jul 18, 2024


    We have a fix currently in Live, we'll be merging this post to the one marked for Live to increase visibility.

    Thank you!

  • Guest
    Jun 28, 2024

    you can actually get out of this and is mentioned in bug

  • Guest
    Jun 25, 2024

    this one is realy sad .. I don't know if it's T or another key but I had it a few times now .. focus of the borderless window is lost, and you can't take it back. everything works (mouse, etc) in windoze, but you can't go back to the game which is still ongoing .. result > ALT F4 and relaunch. . . and you spawn back in the vault you where in.